Effective Design Feedback Is Important

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It can be frustrating for those who delegate work to designers to provide a realistic overview only to have the designer exercise complete creative freedom and fail to complete the project outline.

However, when feedback is properly integrated into the design process, it can significantly improve your end results—and is ultimately a win-win for both parties.

As you begin to improve your design feedback abilities, you may be wondering:

  • What role does feedback play in the design process?
  • When is the best time to provide feedback on a design?
  • What kind of feedback yields the best results?
  • Who should be included in the feedback loop?
  • What are some examples of constructive criticism?

We’ll go over all of this and more below.

Let’s dive in!

The Importance of Effective Design Feedback

The design process relies heavily on feedback. This is due to the fact that most designers are not designing for themselves, but rather to fulfill a brief. Every piece a designer works on, whether it’s a social media campaign for marketing, a set of icons for the product team, or sales brochures, will go through a series of revisions.

Enter design feedback.

Design feedback, when delivered correctly, can:

  • Help Designers Grow: Like a manager, you should view each design as a chance to provide constructive feedback that will help your designer improve their skills while also developing a better understanding of the brand or a client’s brand.
  • Speed up Projects: Once you combine clear expectations with effective feedback, you and your designers are more likely to complete each project on time. That means less time spent giving and receiving feedback.
  • Get the Results you Envisioned: Delivering design feedback effectively as a non-designer ensures that the design you get at the end is the one you envisioned at the start or even better.



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